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Andrew McRae | profile | all galleries >> Galleries >> Cloudehill Garden tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Cloudehill Garden

The Cloudehill Garden adjoins the Cloudehill Restaurant and Nursery, not far from the town of Olinda in the Dandenong Ranges. The ranges are located about 50km to the east of Melbourne, and are known for their dense eucalypt forest and many private nurseries and gardens.

Arches 1
Arches 1
Arches 2
Arches 2
Arches 3
Arches 3
Bluebells 1
Bluebells 1
Bluebells 2
Bluebells 2
Bluebells 3
Bluebells 3
Cloudehill Garden 1
Cloudehill Garden 1
Cloudehill Garden 2
Cloudehill Garden 2
Cloudehill Garden 3
Cloudehill Garden 3
Cloudehill Garden 4
Cloudehill Garden 4
Cloudehill Garden 6
Cloudehill Garden 6
Coudehill Garden 5
Coudehill Garden 5
Dandenong Ranges 1
Dandenong Ranges 1
Dandenong Ranges 2
Dandenong Ranges 2
Topiary 1
Topiary 1
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Topiary 2
Topiary 3
Topiary 3