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Cheryl Ridge | all galleries >> COLLECTABLES & NOSTALGIA >> Bears and dolls >> Australian bears and soft toys >> Games Mascots > Sydney 2000 Olympic Games Mascots with carry bag
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Sydney 2000 Olympic Games Mascots with carry bag

Sydney 2000 Olympic Games Mascots with carry bag

Olympic Games Official Licensed Merchandise - Official Licenced Products
Sydney 2000 Official Olympic Mascot plush toys:

Syd - Platypus approx 6.5 inches / 17cm high (93265)
Olly - Kookaburra approx 6 inches / 15cm high (93265)
Millie - Echidna approx 6 inches / 15cm high (93265)

ref: sports, soft toys, stuffed toys, australian wildlife, mattel, socog

other sizes: small medium original auto
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