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Cheryl Ridge | profile | all galleries >> COLLECTABLES & NOSTALGIA >> Animal collectables tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Animal collectables | Disneyana | Tea and coffee - Australiana | WANTED

Animal collectables

A home for those animal or nature theme items that don't quite fit the other sections of my online galleries.
Keep checking back as this is a work in progress while I gather and photograph my various bits and pieces!
Ceramic critters
:: Ceramic critters ::
Dogs and cats
:: Dogs and cats ::
Flocked and fuzzy
:: Flocked and fuzzy ::
Japan collectables
:: Japan collectables ::
Paper collectables
:: Paper collectables ::
:: Yowies ::
some of my model horse collection
some of my model horse collection
Imitation of ancient small screen (pandas)
Imitation of ancient small screen (pandas)
Willow Australia serving tray (robins)
Willow Australia serving tray (robins)
Wooden elephant toothpick holder
Wooden elephant toothpick holder
Blown glass animals
Blown glass animals
Popular Pets jigsaw
Popular Pets jigsaw
vintage 1970s lucite plastic swans
vintage 1970s lucite plastic swans
Vintage Skippy the bush kangaroo school bag
Vintage Skippy the bush kangaroo school bag