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Kevin Chester | profile | all galleries >> Galleries >> Exploring Buttermere tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Exploring Buttermere

A small gallery of a camping and walking trip to Buttermere in the English Lake District, I hope you enjoy the photos as much as I enjoyed the trip.
Lake side tunnel
Lake side tunnel
Buttermere Panorama ( best viewed at original size)
Buttermere Panorama ( best viewed at original size)
Lakeside Path
Lakeside Path
Wacked out Pooch
Wacked out Pooch
The Tunnel
The Tunnel
A Red
A Red
Morning light looking towards Haystacks
Morning light looking towards Haystacks
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Soaking up the sun after a hard days walking
Soaking up the sun after a hard days walking
Reflections Panorama ( Best viewed at full size )
Reflections Panorama ( Best viewed at full size )
Looking up to Haystacks
Looking up to Haystacks
Minky on the Tarn on Haystacks
Minky on the Tarn on Haystacks
Early morning on the lake
Early morning on the lake
Calf and the Church
Calf and the Church
An evening by the lake
An evening by the lake
The long slog
The long slog
Lakeside view of Fleetwith Pike
Lakeside view of Fleetwith Pike
Summit Tarn, Haystacks
Summit Tarn, Haystacks
Haystacks Summit
Haystacks Summit
Summit Tarn overlooking the Buttermere Valley
Summit Tarn overlooking the Buttermere Valley
Its the one on the Bridge
Its the one on the Bridge
Fleetwith and Haystacks
Fleetwith and Haystacks
Late afternoon on the campsite
Late afternoon on the campsite
Morning Worship
Morning Worship
Crumock Water from the Dodd
Crumock Water from the Dodd
Childs play
Childs play
The walk to Chappel Crag
The walk to Chappel Crag
Their first 2000ft + peak.  Dodd 2103ft
Their first 2000ft + peak. Dodd 2103ft
Arch 1
Arch 1
Arch 2
Arch 2
Arch 3
Arch 3
Arch 4
Arch 4