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Mieke WA Minkjan | all galleries >> Galleries >> Street Art > Butterfly and rose
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28-OCT-2013 © MiekeWAMinkjan

Butterfly and rose

a composition made by street artist Jessie

Canon EOS 7D
1/100s f/5.6 at 20.0mm iso100 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
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Irena Ryans15-Jul-2015 17:23
Wow, that graffiti is pretty incredible, actually. I've gotta say that I disagree with Mia; I would hate to have that on my home! Living in a neighborhood where graffiti artists run rampant can be pretty stressful. I'm always looking for ways to ensure that my house won't get "tagged". Maybe you should do the same!
Mia K Boyd27-Apr-2015 14:24
This is beautiful! Where did you buy it, anyway? I'd love to have something like this in my own home. I bet it would look good at my business, too. Maybe I'll find an art store that has something like this.