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Mieke WA Minkjan | all galleries >> Photo a day gallery >> April2011 > Sport
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17-APR-2011 © MIekeWAMinkjan


Melbourne, Australia

Ran into this "Run for Kids"
I always thought that running would create more serotonin hormones
and one would feel happier after walking or running.
I didn't get this idea confirmed by the participants
they looked rather cantankerous!

Canon PowerShot SX20 IS
1/1000s f/3.2 at 7.3mm iso160 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
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Guest 25-Apr-2011 17:43
I was wondering if this was near the end... they do look a little wiped out!
J. Scott Coile25-Apr-2011 00:42
Looks exhausting.
Marielou Dhumez23-Apr-2011 19:35
Excellent catch for illustrating Sport !
But seems hard for them !
Stephanie23-Apr-2011 10:56
I'll be doing this in 90 minutes! Guess I'd better go get dressed and ready to go!
Great shot Mieke! :))
Kerry Tingley23-Apr-2011 10:16
An Easter Run? Well seen. They do look rather grumpy!
j>a>e>17 :):):)23-Apr-2011 09:55
LOL!!!! they sure don;t look lik happpy campers!!!! LOL!!!! ;):):):)
Sandra Cooper23-Apr-2011 08:20
They are concentrating; it is hard work!!
Yvonne23-Apr-2011 07:08
I wonder how many lasted the distance... great though that they're giving it a go!
borisalex23-Apr-2011 06:32
Great entry, Mieke! Happy Easter to you!
laine23-Apr-2011 06:05
They've hit the pain barrier by those looks :))
Cindi Smith23-Apr-2011 04:54
But, they feel great later! Nice shot and a great entry for sport!
Janice Dunn23-Apr-2011 03:27
Puff, puff, puff. But good to see them in action
Guest 23-Apr-2011 01:28
Great for motion to.
larose forest photos23-Apr-2011 01:26
That is amusing (the cantankerous bit!). Good sport shot though!