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30 Miles To Beijing

Canon EOS 5D
1/640s f/4.0 at 200.0mm iso1250 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
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GP Merfeld06-May-2014 01:33
Outstanding shot!
Chris Bladon26-Apr-2014 08:41
A wonderful shot chasp, I love how determined he is, battling against the elements with an unusual umbrella improvisation but with a feeble t-shirt hampering his efforts!
Juan Leon30-Nov-2012 13:57
Very cool!
cits_4_pets01-Jul-2012 15:17
I don't envy this person, great shot showing the rain. He's lucky his umbrella is still functioning and hasn't collapsed.
Terry Bowker30-Jun-2012 20:38
OK this is my favorite! Lots of action. The rain and wind are testing the umbrella but the driver has faith; moving forward with all deliberate speed! _V_!