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Susan Gray

40 Years! and you knew my address!
At least we are a little closer to Memphis now, and there is still hope that we may make one of the Reunions. Thank you all for the hard work on planning and mailings; it does look like a great time. I am sorry we won't be there (however, since I haven't been back since 1963, I am a little hesitant :).

We were in Memphis for the Liberty Bowl this year and had the best time... staying at the Peabody, Hard Rock-ing on Beale Street and winning the game, even in the rain.

I graduated from TCU with a degree in Journalism/Advertising and an MRS. Of course, as many of you all probably know, the draft was looming, and my husband Roger went into the Navy attending OCS. After 27 years and 21 moves, lots of fun and experiences, he (we) retired as a Navy Captain, and Radio Shack brought us back to Fort Worth. It was like coming home to us both. He is now Senior VP, North American Manufacturing and Logistics Operations with RS, and I really am retired! Along the way I had jobs in every phase of advertising ... selling it, creating it, buying it, etc. with last job as Corporate Advertising Manager for an $8 Billion Real Estate firm in Washington, DC.

The blessings and the success of my life are in a wonderful husband and a 35-year happy marriage; two really good children (daughter Marilee, 35, and son Roger, 31), a sweet daughter-in-law, Catherine, and so far, one absolutely perfect granddaughter, Emma Claire (all live in Dallas now, so not too far away); a nice down-sized, in-town condo; and a lake house just an hour away. I have no complaints. Life has been good. And I must add, only through the grace of God.

I hope and pray all of you have no complaints and are well too. Thank you again for all of your efforts (I was on our TCU 35-year class reunion committee, I know); I hope there is a follow-up mailer to let us know how the weekend was and who was there. I'll get out my annual!

Most sincerely,
Susan Gray McInnis

P.S. My sister Mary Jane Gray still lives in Memphis at Kirby Pines, but don't worry about my changing this address. I have moved some of our things for the last time!

Update April 2008
Dear Classmates ... I thought it best not to show up after 45 years without a picture in the gallery so you'll recognize me! I headed West after graduation to Fort Worth, Texas, and Texas Christian University (TCU), majoring in Journalism/Advertising/Marketing. I married my college sweetheart, Roger, during the semester break of our Senior year, and we both graduated in the Spring of 1967. That same year, with the draft in full swing, Roger joined the Navy, went to Officer Candidate School and became a Supply Corps Officer ... we thought just for 4 years. 27 years and 22 moves later, "we" retired in the Washington, DC, area ... he as a Naval Captain; I as a corporate advertising manager. Radio Shack brought us back to Fort Worth in 1995, and Roger became their Senior Vice President for North American Manufacturing and Logistics. We have two of the best children who treated the Navy as the adventure it was. Our daughter, Marilee, is now with Dallas-based Southwest Airlines Public Relations. Our son, Roger, has his own Dallas-area civil engineering firm, a wonderful wife and three precious "best ever" children ... our grandchildren! So, miraculously, we as a family have all ended up in Texas just 35 miles apart! Roger finally got retirement right in 2003 and now we spend a lot of time at our lake home just west of Fort Worth (had to have a little water in our life!) where we boat and fish and volunteer with the Palo Pinto Historical Society. In town we are on the TCU Alumni Boards, spend time at Colonial Country Club and the Woman's Club of Fort Worth, are active with the wonderful museums and symphony we have here and with Habitat for Humanity. I garden, bridge, craft and book club. So, after these 45 years, I am most thankful for God's grace and blessings, a good husband of 41+ years, and a wonderful country. I am most proud of our children ... the signatures of my life. See you in June ... now, you'll know "us".

Susan Gray
Susan Gray
Emma Claire is 6; Eleni is 3 and Gray is 18 months
Emma Claire is 6; Eleni is 3 and Gray is 18 months
Susan and Roger
Susan and Roger
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Johnson Gray Cole
Gray  Surrency
Gray Surrency
Aquino Sims Grays   2008
Aquino Sims Grays 2008
Susan and Roger
Susan and Roger
Aquino   Sims    Grays
Aquino Sims Grays
Sacks Allenberg Dillard Gray - 2008
Sacks Allenberg Dillard Gray - 2008