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Lynn Allison

November, 2008 -

For the past ten years I have been living in Donetsk, Ukraine, working with the Church of Christ. It has been very rewarding to teach ladies' classes, children, help the sick and orphans. There have been many strange things, but also may wonderful new experiences.
The best new experience occurred on October 11, 2008. After being single for 63 years, God sent me a wonderful man. His name is Victor Stephanovich Tretyakov, born in Russia, but a Ukranian for the past 50 years. We have known each other for 6 years, when he and his late wife became members of our congregation. My Russian has really improved since Victor doesn't speak any English. It is a real challenge, after so many years alone, to become a wife, mother, grandmother and great grandmother all in one day.
We hope to visit Memphis in the winter, but can't make plans until Victor gets his internatinal passport and US visa. We did have a great honeymoon in Yalta, in the Crimea on the Black Sea. The weather was cool, but nice and we even enjoyed some time on the beach.

Looks like I will be living in Ukraine for many more years. We haven't decided yet if we will move to the USA when we get older. Ukraine is not a good place for really old people, but we will just have to see what happens.
We had two weddings. First the civil ceremony conducted by a woman and then the church ceremony. You my think we made a mistake with the rings, but in Ukraine they wear wedding rings on the right hand.

This was Lynn's entry from a long time ago. . . . . . .

My friend Ray Grayham and I have been working with the church of Christ in Donetsk, Ukraine for four years. Ukraine was part of the former USSR and many of the people grew up as atheists. Many have received a Bible for the first time in their lives.
We first came here for three summers on religious campaigns and fell in love with the people. Ray and I, along with another friend decided after the third summer that we needed to move here. We were fortunate to receive support from the Woodland Hills church of Christ in Memphis.

In addition to teaching Bible classes, we have taught English, worked with orphanages and children's hospitals and old people in the area. We were recently given the opportunity to help feed old or invalid people in the area. Our local officials have given us the names of 25 people to whom our congregation delivers food each month.
For $5.00 per person, we are able to buy enough flour, sugar, oil, cereal and several other products to last for the month. Several people and churches in the USA have sent money to help with this project. We hope to raise enough money before fall to buy coal for the 10 people who live in private houses, so they can stay warm next winter.

One lady, to whom we took food, is 103 years old. Most of these people lost all their life savings when the Soviet Union disband. The money was in Russian banks and Russia kept it all. They live on a government pension of about $25.00 per month.

The first picture was taken as we were delivering food in February. Ray and I are the ones without hats. Ukrainians think we are taking our lives in our hands to go out without hats between November 1st and March 1st. The two people with us are our interpreters. We study Russian and Ray is almost fluent, but still uses Koyla when teaching lessons. If any of you were in French class with me, you will remember that languages are not my strong point. I have learned a lot, but still rely upon Nikka for help. The second picture shows one of the ladies receiving food. You can see her house in the background.

It has been a great experience to be here and to be able to help so many people. I wish you could all come visit and see what an interesting place this is.

Have fun at the reunion.

Lynn Allison
Lynn Allison
Lynn 2008
Lynn 2008
Lynn 2008
Lynn 2008
Lynn 2008
Lynn 2008
Lynn 2008
Lynn 2008
The Ukraine
The Ukraine
Lynn Allison
Lynn Allison
Viktor and Lynn at Sept. 2015 SupperClub
Viktor and Lynn at Sept. 2015 SupperClub