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Cedric Sims | all galleries >> Galleries >> 2011 Ram > My Truck
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My Truck


Canon EOS 5D Mark III
1/3s f/7.1 at 105.0mm iso200 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
Guest 28-Jul-2018 09:26
Bravo pour le choix de l'immat ...
Barry McCartney26-Aug-2015 16:12
Nice, but I like the Honda - I know toy truck to most of you :)
Stephanie09-Jul-2015 20:49
Built Ram tough!!!
Love the lighting and overall scene Cedric! VV
Barbara Read and Fred Schaad07-Jul-2015 16:59
Looks like my truck, only different color. V
Isabel Cutler06-Jul-2015 10:57
Except it's a Dodge! Ooops!
Isabel Cutler06-Jul-2015 10:57
Looks like it's ready for a Chevy ad!