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Cedric Sims | profile | all galleries >> California Coastal Views >> McWay Falls & surrounding area in Big Sur, California tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

McWay Falls & surrounding area in Big Sur, California

McWay Falls is an 80 foot waterfall located in Julia Pfeiffer Burns State Park that flows year-round. Like Alamere Falls, this waterfall is one of only two in the region that are close enough to the ocean to be referred as "tidefalls". It is located on McWay Creek. Although it can be viewed via a trail from above, the beach and scenic cove below is difficult to access by land, however, it could be easily reached by boat. Even with this possibility, it is not recommended that people visit the beach as a safety precaution due to crumbling cliffs and environmental reasons.

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 Bixby Bridge 2012
Bixby Bridge 2012
Bixby Bridge 2012
Bixby Bridge 2012
 McWay Falls 2012
McWay Falls 2012
McWay Falls 2009
McWay Falls 2009
Bixby Bridge 2009
Bixby Bridge 2009
McWay Falls 2009
McWay Falls 2009
McWay Falls 2009
McWay Falls 2009
McWay Falls 2005
McWay Falls 2005
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McWay Falls 2005
McWay Falls 2005
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McWay Falls 2005
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Bixby Bridge