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Event Photography

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2016 Amgen Tours of California Stage 4 Women's - Sacramento Q & 15th
:: 2016 Amgen Tours of California Stage 4 Women's - Sacramento Q & 15th ::
Fight for Air Climb Sacramento 2015 (Wells Fargo Center)
:: Fight for Air Climb Sacramento 2015 (Wells Fargo Center) ::
:: Firedancing ::
San Francisco Marathon 2014
:: San Francisco Marathon 2014 ::
Sacramento Global Winter Wonderland
:: Sacramento Global Winter Wonderland ::
Kiss The Sky
:: Kiss The Sky ::
Elk Grove Presents A Musical History of the Blues
:: Elk Grove Presents A Musical History of the Blues ::
Larry's Retirement Party 06-13-14
:: Larry's Retirement Party 06-13-14 ::
San Francisco Giants vrs Washington Nationals
:: San Francisco Giants vrs Washington Nationals ::
Space Shuttle Endeavour over Sacramento
:: Space Shuttle Endeavour over Sacramento  ::
Amgen  tour California 2011
:: Amgen tour California 2011 ::
Cosumnes River College Jazz Band 2011
:: Cosumnes River College Jazz Band 2011 ::
Pacific Rim Street Festival
:: Pacific Rim Street Festival ::
:: Motorsports ::
Elk Grove Veterans Day Parade 2009
:: Elk Grove Veterans Day Parade 2009 ::
Sheldon High School Talent show 2009
:: Sheldon High School Talent show 2009 ::
 Old Sacramento Gold Rush Days
::  Old Sacramento Gold Rush Days ::
Reno Balloon Race
:: Reno Balloon Race  ::
:: procession ::
San Jose Christmas in the Park
:: San Jose Christmas in the Park ::
:: Temple ::
Chinese New Year 2009 San Francisco
:: Chinese New Year 2009 San Francisco ::
    San Francisco Cherry Blossom Festival 2008
::  San Francisco Cherry Blossom Festival 2008 ::