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Cedric Sims | profile | all galleries >> Galleries >> Time - Lapse Photography tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Time - Lapse Photography

Time-lapse photography is a cinematography technique where each frame is captured at a rate much slower than it will be played back. When replayed at normal speed, time appears to be moving faster and thus lapsing. Time-lapse photography can be considered to be the opposite of high speed photography.

To view animation select original size, the first time you view the animation it will take a few seconds to load.

g5/47/349847/3/118759318.BLwPNpKL.jpg A view of the Golden Gate from San Francisco. It was pretty windy
A view of the Golden Gate from San Francisco. It was pretty windy
g1/47/349847/3/115267494.JEKuCK7P.jpg GoldenGate Fog (  51 shots of the fog rolling in)
GoldenGate Fog ( 51 shots of the fog rolling in)
g1/47/349847/3/111243646.chAguvcC.jpg Sacramento Traffic on I80. This is 149 shots, it will take approximately 1 minute to load and run.
Sacramento Traffic on I80. This is 149 shots, it will take approximately 1 minute to load and run.
Mossbrae Falls
Mossbrae Falls
This is a total of 17 shots of traffic at  the North Tower of  the Golden Gate Bridge
This is a total of 17 shots of traffic at the North Tower of the Golden Gate Bridge
Mossbrae Falls
Mossbrae Falls
Waiting for train to pass
Waiting for train to pass
Match Light
Match Light
g6/47/349847/3/86944078.tpuDHLLy.jpg Sacramento Tower Bridge Animation
Sacramento Tower Bridge Animation
g6/47/349847/3/86876840.sbIt0BRp.jpg Rodeo Beach Animation
Rodeo Beach Animation
g6/47/349847/3/86944550.TP8fl3WQ.jpg Sacramento Traffic
Sacramento Traffic