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Brands Hatch Blancpain Sprint Series Weekend 2015
Looking on
Looking on
Mazda Racing
Mazda Racing
The Mazda's 1
The Mazda's 1
Time for the Mazda's
Time for the Mazda's
Ferrari V8
Ferrari V8
Through but damaged
Through but damaged
Getting out of shape
Getting out of shape
The Mini race begins
The Mini race begins
Time for the mini's
Time for the mini's
And the winner is Number 1 - Laurens Vanthoo
And the winner is Number 1 - Laurens Vanthoo
Take the low road
Take the low road
The Hairpin
The Hairpin
Number 1 - Laurens Vanthoor in his Audi
Number 1 - Laurens Vanthoor in his Audi
Someones off the track
Someones off the track
Up the hill
Up the hill
Bunching up
Bunching up
First Corner
First Corner
The Start
The Start
Grid Preperations
Grid Preperations
Race time
Race time