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Colin Dixon EFIAP CPAGB | profile | all galleries >> Galleries >> 2013 Misc. Pictures tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

2013 Misc. Pictures

Chinese Vase.
Chinese Vase.
CD Light 3.jpg
CD Light 3.jpg
CD Light 2.
CD Light 2.
CD Light.
CD Light.
Busy Bee 1
Busy Bee 1
Different type of Cross.
Different type of Cross.
Please Knock.
Please Knock.
A view from the viewer
A view from the viewer
Door Locks
Door Locks
Futures Bright.
Futures Bright.
Bubble Universe
Bubble Universe
Fresh Fish.jpg
Fresh Fish.jpg
A chink of light.
A chink of light.
Miners Lamp.
Miners Lamp.
Apple Disc Drive.
Apple Disc Drive.
Bendy 3
Bendy 3
Bendy 2.
Bendy 2.
Bendy 1
Bendy 1
All lined up again.
All lined up again.
All lined up.
All lined up.
Chess Time High Key
Chess Time High Key
Chess Time.
Chess Time.
Xcellent Sky.
Xcellent Sky.
Drinks anyone.
Drinks anyone.
Anyone for Dominos
Anyone for Dominos
Music and Games.
Music and Games.
Have a great night everyone
Have a great night everyone
Reflections of a city
Reflections of a city
Technology -My life
Technology -My life
Jack Frost.
Jack Frost.
Graveyard in the early morning sun.
Graveyard in the early morning sun.