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People in 2011

People in London 2
People in London 2
Antique Pictures
Antique Pictures
Coffee time
Coffee time
Happy Oxford Street Shoppers
Happy Oxford Street Shoppers
Busy Market
Busy Market
Relaxing in the Early Spring sun
Relaxing in the Early Spring sun
Shoppers in Cambridge 1
Shoppers in Cambridge 1
Shoppers in Cambridge 2
Shoppers in Cambridge 2
On your Bike
On your Bike
Market Stall Love- Cambridge
Market Stall Love- Cambridge
Bear lady in a pink hat
Bear lady in a pink hat
Hot Sausages in Cambridge
Hot Sausages in Cambridge
Fire Engine Pull - hard work
Fire Engine Pull - hard work
Summer or is it spring in the Park
Summer or is it spring in the Park
Cambridge Punter
Cambridge Punter
All the Punters waiting to punt
All the Punters waiting to punt
Get out of the  way
Get out of the way
Puruvian Singer
Puruvian Singer
Park People in Cambridge
Park People in Cambridge
Young lovers in the Park
Young lovers in the Park
A cool day in Flagstaff - Arizona
A cool day in Flagstaff - Arizona
Big Discusion -Flagstaff AZ
Big Discusion -Flagstaff AZ
Native American Market
Native American Market
Colorado River Guide
Colorado River Guide
Grand Canyon Tourists
Grand Canyon Tourists
Young Couple relaxing at the Colorado River AZ
Young Couple relaxing at the Colorado River AZ
Garda Pool Guard
Garda Pool Guard
Las Vages Shopper
Las Vages Shopper
Lovely sunny day in Cambridge
Lovely sunny day in Cambridge
Like to come with me ?
Like to come with me ?
Sandwich Time
Sandwich Time
Love I think
Love I think
Old syle with the new Technology
Old syle with the new Technology
Time to get on your bike
Time to get on your bike
Higgidy Piggity
Higgidy Piggity
The look says it all
The look says it all
Bowling a maiden over
Bowling a maiden over
Its a Joke ----Shop
Its a Joke ----Shop
Market life
Market life
Kings Street Cambridge
Kings Street Cambridge
Do you think they should go punting with him?
Do you think they should go punting with him?
By Garda lake
By Garda lake
Young couple enjoying the sun
Young couple enjoying the sun
People on a pier in the sun
People on a pier in the sun
Italian Street life 1
Italian Street life 1
Time for a spritz.
Time for a spritz.
Putting the world right.
Putting the world right.
Time to daydream.
Time to daydream.
News time.
News time.
Chin wag and a glass of wine
Chin wag and a glass of wine
Artist and her work
Artist and her work
Trying the new Harley Davison.
Trying the new Harley Davison.
Intense Conversation
Intense Conversation
Dressed up for what? I dont know.
Dressed up for what? I dont know.
Golly English Boaters.jpg
Golly English Boaters.jpg
Young Couple stride out.
Young Couple stride out.
Pretty Girls out for a summer stroll
Pretty Girls out for a summer stroll
Mine is a pint please
Mine is a pint please
White and leather.
White and leather.
The Faceless youth of today
The Faceless youth of today
Girl out shopping.
Girl out shopping.
Mr Cool (and his girlfriend thinks so to)
Mr Cool (and his girlfriend thinks so to)
Mobile life
Mobile life
In careful study.
In careful study.
Is this what you call a red snapper
Is this what you call a red snapper
Another snapper wieghing up his camera settings
Another snapper wieghing up his camera settings
Girls night out.
Girls night out.
Shoppers in Bond Street-London 1
Shoppers in Bond Street-London 1
Blue Jeans at Buckingham Palace
Blue Jeans at Buckingham Palace
What shall I buy next
What shall I buy next
Antwerp Girls
Antwerp Girls
Musical Traffic Cone
Musical Traffic Cone
Ray Ban
Ray Ban
Over the shoulder shot.
Over the shoulder shot.
Hen night in London
Hen night in London
Deep into the tunes
Deep into the tunes
Are you sure you know where we are?
Are you sure you know where we are?
Couple in a deep discussion
Couple in a deep discussion
Lazy sunday by an Italian Lake
Lazy sunday by an Italian Lake
Boating day over as the sun goes down
Boating day over as the sun goes down
A young wall flower
A young wall flower
Gone Fishing.
Gone Fishing.
Drummers in Antwerp.
Drummers in Antwerp.
Dragon Boat fan in Antwerp.
Dragon Boat fan in Antwerp.
Dragon Boat Drummer - Antwerp
Dragon Boat Drummer - Antwerp
Dragon Boat Race 1.
Dragon Boat Race 1.
Dragon Boat Fans deep in discussion.
Dragon Boat Fans deep in discussion.
The Burger Chef at the Dragon Boats races.
The Burger Chef at the Dragon Boats races.
Finishing first feels goud.
Finishing first feels goud.
Boys Girls or Both ?
Boys Girls or Both ?
Joy of Text
Joy of Text
Great Genes sorry Jeans
Great Genes sorry Jeans
Burger anyone
Burger anyone
Better watch where your going
Better watch where your going
Cycling to work.
Cycling to work.
Market in Bahrain.
Market in Bahrain.
Cambridge Student in deep study.
Cambridge Student in deep study.
Sharing lunch
Sharing lunch
Intense Conversation 2
Intense Conversation 2
Happy Christmas Shoppers
Happy Christmas Shoppers
People London 1
People London 1