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Kees de Haan | profile | all galleries >> Galleries >> My home is my castle tree view | thumbnails | slideshow | map

My home is my castle

I am the proud owner of a characteristic house build in 1918/1919. The coming time I will post more pictures and elaborate a bit more about the history of the house.

The house is build in the same style (although not as expensive) as the villa's in the Meerwijk in Bergen Noord Holland. This is a famous neighborhood build in the style of the Amsterdamse School (Amsterdam school). Curved forms (art deco) and tiles in the corridors are special characteristics. I am not sure why one house in this style has been build in Het Bosch en Vaart Kwartier in Haarlem (neighborhood between a canal and a park).
The house is build in the Chinese year of the Dragon. Thats why you can see dragons in the tile work.
The footprint resembles the form of a ship. You can see the form of a ship also in the balconies and in various tiles in the kitchen.
De architect J.F. Staal, zou best een gebouw in de vorm van een schip hebben kunnen neerzetten. Sterker nog verrees rond 1915 in Bergen een wijkje, park Meerwijk genaamd, in de stijl van de Amsterdamse school. Aan het ontwerp werd meegewerkt door Staal, die aan de ingang van het parkje een huis bouwde, geheel in de vorm van een schip. Dit pand kreeg de toepasselijke naam De Bark.
Kijk voor foto's op:

First owner J. Verheus
Architect J. Brouwer
Second owner Mrs Verheus (daughter of the first owner). Till 1990.
Third owner: ? for 3 months.
Fourth owner: Petke. Till 1994.
Fifths owner: Ferco Mascini. Till January 16 2005.
Ours since then.
License to build 25-11-1918; finished 14-04-1919

June 13: added fish eye pics of the corridor and some more text.
January 6: Added some bathroom pictures
December 15: added a few more pictures from the North and East side
December 8: Added Pictures from the front of the house
December 2: Added pictures from the outside.
November 20: started with some details.

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Finally Ice again after eleven years
Finally Ice again after eleven years
Finally Ice again after eleven years
Finally Ice again after eleven years
Finally Ice again after eleven years
Finally Ice again after eleven years
In the snow
In the snow
Genomen vanaf de nieuwe steiger aan de overkant.
Genomen vanaf de nieuwe steiger aan de overkant.
View on the Leidsevaart
View on the Leidsevaart
View on the Leidsevaart
View on the Leidsevaart
Corridor; Guess where I am sitting
Corridor; Guess where I am sitting
From across the canal
From across the canal
New fence
New fence
North Side in spring 2007
North Side in spring 2007
Bathroom1 Glasgow Roses
Bathroom1 Glasgow Roses
Balkony fence
Balkony fence
Bathroom2 Window
Bathroom2 Window
Flag pole (again)
Flag pole (again)
Kitchen window
Kitchen window
Walk in closet window
Walk in closet window
Back with kitchen door
Back with kitchen door
Kitchen; Tile
Kitchen; Tile
Kitchen; Tiles Ship
Kitchen; Tiles Ship
Flag pole holder
Flag pole holder
Detail Light Room
Detail Light Room
Light Room East
Light Room East
North side
North side
North side
North side
Flag pole holder north side
Flag pole holder north side
North West side
North West side
Front overview
Front overview
Front entrance
Front entrance
Front gate
Front gate
Letter box Near front door
Letter box Near front door
Front door
Front door
Sign at Entrance
Sign at Entrance
Livingroom fireplace
Livingroom fireplace
Corridor Lamp
Corridor Lamp
Hall Leaded Window
Hall Leaded Window
Hall Dragon Small
Hall Dragon Small
Corridor Dragon big
Corridor Dragon big
Sun-room floor pattern
Sun-room floor pattern
Livingroom floor2
Livingroom floor2
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