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Joseph Levy | all galleries >> Galleries >> color_infrared_workflow > Final product
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Final product

Sony DSC-F717
1/8s f/2.1 at 11.8mm iso100 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
Guest 13-Aug-2007 02:34
wonderful. really appreciate your tips, I am thinking about buying a filter and giving it a go. great shots you have too.
Guest 10-Mar-2006 18:43
A big big thank you for sharing.
Cydne 27-Nov-2005 21:13
Good shot. Makes me want to try some IR next time we're at Brookgreen.
Guest 26-Oct-2005 04:49
I so miss IR. thanks for posting this! voted.
Guest 02-Jul-2005 03:32
Thanks Joseph for sharing your workflow. I've been in a creative rut lately and wanted to try something new. I've had a wratten filter for my camera for some time, but really didn't give it much effort........this is inspiring. Now I'll have to give it another go. Beautiful work by the way.