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Joseph Levy | all galleries >> Galleries >> color_infrared_workflow > original
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The original, only I have passed it through neatimage once to reduce noise.

Sony DSC-F717
1/8s f/2.1 at 11.8mm iso100 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
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WiT 29-Mar-2006 11:09
Same problem. My photos are red. I tried to change white balance, but I still have a problems with colors.
Erik 28-Oct-2005 17:02
This is not the result I get with my D70. My pics get a lot more red in them. Any suggestions what I can do about that?
Guest 24-Oct-2005 07:20
Sorry, but my DSC F717 in nightshot mode is blocked on 1/60 and F2.0-2.4 and not on 1/8 like you show. WHY??? Thank you.