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carolynne_w | profile | all galleries >> Stateside Trips and Memories >> New England, 2008 >> maine tree view | thumbnails | slideshow
Kayaks in Boothbay Harbor
Kayaks in Boothbay Harbor
Boothbay Harbor
Boothbay Harbor
The Bounty in for repairs
The Bounty in for repairs
Boothbay Harbor lighthouse
Boothbay Harbor lighthouse
Windjammer in Boothbay Harbor
Windjammer in Boothbay Harbor
Windjammer in Boothbay Harbor
Windjammer in Boothbay Harbor
Windjammer in Boothbay Harbor
Windjammer in Boothbay Harbor
Windjammer in Boothbay Harbor
Windjammer in Boothbay Harbor
The lobster place in Kittery
The lobster place in Kittery
A lobster enthusiast
A lobster enthusiast
Fancy interior
Fancy interior
Swing Bridge in Brunswick
Swing Bridge in Brunswick
Maine Rainbow
Maine Rainbow
Drunswick's river
Drunswick's river
Claudia's garden
Claudia's garden