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carolynne_w | profile | all galleries >> Stateside Trips and Memories >> New England, 2008 >> Concord - Lexington tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Concord - Lexington

This is the area where the American Revolution started.
Additionally, Thoreau's Walden Pond is here.
Concord, Mass
Concord, Mass
The North Bridge
The North Bridge
Concord Minuteman
Concord Minuteman
The story
The story
Now a peaceful place
Now a peaceful place
Walden Pond
Walden Pond
Thoreau's Recreated cabin
Thoreau's Recreated cabin
Fishing at Walden Pond
Fishing at Walden Pond
Recreation at Walden Pond
Recreation at Walden Pond
Walking at Walden Pond
Walking at Walden Pond