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Carolyn Angus | profile | all galleries >> Galleries >> chihuly tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Online Books (2015 Cuba) Bhutan, Land of Legends, Mists and the Mystical) (Heart of Southern India) (Bodacious Burano) Italy (Reflections of My Backyard)

Kindly respect that all photos are protected by federal copy right laws and are owned and copyrighted by İcarolyn angus photography and cannot be used without the photographer's written permission. Images have been left large intentionally for your personal enjoyment.

Dale Chihuly has done for glass, what Michelangelo did for marble.
The most recent images are from Chihuly's House of Glass in Seattle. No tripods were allowed.

Chihuly's opulent Baroque installations challenge me to find some design in the rioting chaos.
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Chihuly House of Glass Interiors
Chihuly House of Glass Interiors
Chihuly House of Glass Boat
Chihuly House of Glass Boat
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Chihuly House of Glass Interiors-2-4.jpg
Chihuly House of Glass Exterior
Chihuly House of Glass Exterior
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Chihuly House of Glass Interiors-12-2.jpg
Chihuly House of Glass Interiors-11-2.jpg
Chihuly House of Glass Interiors-11-2.jpg
Chihuly House of Glass Interiors-10-2.jpg
Chihuly House of Glass Interiors-10-2.jpg
Chihuly House of Glass Neon
Chihuly House of Glass Neon
Chihuly House of Glass Interiors.jpg
Chihuly House of Glass Interiors.jpg
Chihuly House of Glass Interiors-2.jpg
Chihuly House of Glass Interiors-2.jpg
Chihuly House of Glass Interiors-3.jpg
Chihuly House of Glass Interiors-3.jpg
Chihuly House of Glass Interiors-4.jpg
Chihuly House of Glass Interiors-4.jpg
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