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Jean-Marc MICHEL | profile | all galleries >> Malaysia >> Malacca >> Zoo tree view | thumbnails | slideshow


Zoo Melaka is located about 13km from Melaka City. It is the second largest Zoo in the country encompassing 54-acres with more than 1,200 animals of over 200 different species. It is also the first Zoo in the region to exhibit the rare and endangered Sumatran Rhinoceros and Gaur.
The Zoo was established in 1963. Since 1979, the Department of Wildlife and National Parks, Peninsular Malaysia took over the management of the Zoo to enhance its operations and upgrade its services for public's benefit. Zoo Melaka also functions as a center for wildlife research, conservation breeding, zoo education center.
About 198 species of mammals, 100 species of birds and 22 species of reptiles are exhibited at the zoo.

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