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Carole Stevens | profile | all galleries >> PBasing meet-ups >> Southwold mini-meets tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Southwold mini-meets

Days old with fellow pbasers!
Sunday stroll in Southwold!
Sunday stroll in Southwold!
John by Bev with my camera!
John by Bev with my camera!
Stormy sunny Southwold!
Stormy sunny Southwold!
g5/43/644443/3/100108968.RGT0DmC6.jpg Chatting Chimping and Paddling!
Chatting Chimping and Paddling!
Paddling together!
Paddling together!
John enjoying Southwolds Sun!
John enjoying Southwolds Sun!
Paddling and pikyhunting!
Paddling and pikyhunting!
Guess whose foot!
Guess whose foot!