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Carole Stevens | profile | all galleries >> PBasing meet-ups >> PBasers hit Cambridge-September 9th 2007 tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

PBasers hit Cambridge-September 9th 2007

Im not sure what Cambridge thought as a group of photographers swamped Cambridge town centre, but we all had a fantastic weekend of photography, laughs and much silliness.

A big thank you to everyone for making this weekend so much fun, a great group of people and friends.

Please look at the other PBasers galleries of Cambridge below

John's Gallery

Bev's Gallery

Nicky's Gallery

Vicoria's Gallery

Peter's Gallery

Edwina's Gallery

Lee's Gallery

Neil's Gallery

Ray's Gallery

Ann's Gallery

Fun and silliness
:: Fun and silliness ::
Own up who had the spray can!
Own up who had the spray can!
PBasers hit Cambridge!
PBasers hit Cambridge!
Cream crackered!
Cream crackered!
On the wall!
On the wall!
Neil capturing resting Pbasers!
Neil capturing resting Pbasers!
Just Arrived 1st coffee and cakey!
Just Arrived 1st coffee and cakey!
Our hotel!
Our hotel!
Nicky chimping!
Nicky chimping!
Being shot by Vicky!
Being shot by Vicky!
The red dress!
The red dress!
Ray at his best!
Ray at his best!
Peter at work!
Peter at work!
Formation ice cream eating!
Formation ice cream eating!
Lee after dinner!
Lee after dinner!
Just resting her eyes!
Just resting her eyes!
Everyone must have balloons!
Everyone must have balloons!
Under the lamp!
Under the lamp!
Neil all Pbased out!
Neil all Pbased out!
Lee stalking the St Johns College?
Lee stalking the St Johns College?
John getting sneaky!
John getting sneaky!
Peter in the bridge of sighs.
Peter in the bridge of sighs.
Bev in the bridge of sighs.
Bev in the bridge of sighs.
Oh we all do the okey cokey!
Oh we all do the okey cokey!
I can see you!
I can see you!
Serious chimping!
Serious chimping!
Annes Gate!
Annes Gate!
St Johns College.
St Johns College.
St Johns college!
St Johns college!
Inner arches!
Inner arches!
The beatle!
The beatle!
Mysterious man!
Mysterious man!
Jumping high!
Jumping high!
Bridge of sighs and lots of punts!
Bridge of sighs and lots of punts!
Bridges of Cambridge!
Bridges of Cambridge!
The bridge of sighs!
The bridge of sighs!
Bumper punts at the Mathmatical bridge!
Bumper punts at the Mathmatical bridge!
Viking man and his bike!
Viking man and his bike!
Xrated Puppetry!
Xrated Puppetry!