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Carole Stevens | profile | all galleries >> PBasing meet-ups >> PBasing at Kew 23rd September 2006 tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

PBasing at Kew 23rd September 2006

Bev and I had a great day out at Kew Gardens organised by Nicky, a BIG thank you to her!
A fantastic day of taking photos and laughs, we had many of those!

Others who enjoyed the day were John, Ray, Gail, Lee, Nigel and friend! We are looking forward to the next these just get better!







Pbasers hit Kew!
Pbasers hit Kew!
PBase gals!
PBase gals!
Ok which way next?
Ok which way next?
Hunting flowers!
Hunting flowers!
It should be this way round!
It should be this way round!
Falling In love!
Falling In love!
The standard pose for shooting fungi!
The standard pose for shooting fungi!
John shooting Bev shooting John I think!
John shooting Bev shooting John I think!
Gail taking everything in her stride!
Gail taking everything in her stride!
Ray Waiting patiently!
Ray Waiting patiently!
Kew's Architect!
Kew's Architect!
So elegant!
So elegant!
Wonderful views!
Wonderful views!
The Palm House!
The Palm House!
The Temperate House!
The Temperate House!
The Pagoda!
The Pagoda!
The spiral staires in the palm house!
The spiral staires in the palm house!
Autumn already at Kew!
Autumn already at Kew!
Blushing pink!
Blushing pink!
Yellow tones!
Yellow tones!
Ballerina tutu!
Ballerina tutu!
Kangaroo Paw!
Kangaroo Paw!
Light and leaves!
Light and leaves!
Leaf abstract!
Leaf abstract!
Kew Geese!
Kew Geese!
Cadbury's Speckled eggs!
Cadbury's Speckled eggs!
Fungi  amongst the trees!
Fungi amongst the trees!
Looking up through the branches!
Looking up through the branches!