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Carole Stevens | all galleries >> Galleries >> Its only me! > The Gladiator!
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The Gladiator!

Todays Friday SP is shoes, legs and shoes!
They finally talked me into joining this challenge so Ive done and plucked up the courage, thanks Andra and Nicky for convincing me!
Others showing their legs are;
Mojo Wendy.

And the boys joined in with the laughs to;

Canon EOS 20D
1/10s f/4.5 at 31.0mm iso400 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
Peter Rump21-Jan-2011 17:04
Lovely Legs :)
Robbie D7028-Nov-2009 00:28
If I were to show my legs it would be Radiator not Gladiator.
Great shot.
Guest 05-Jan-2008 16:19
A bug has no chance on that floor CRUNCH!
Monte Dodge02-Jul-2007 07:14
Ok, " Slay Me",,,,,,,,,,,
Nicki Thurgar30-Jun-2007 08:30
Just been ROFL at the comments, can I get a look at those legs in person on Sunday then?!!! ;o))
Dave Wixx30-Jun-2007 07:16
I was about to go to bed, but I better cool off first!!!
QUERIDO30-Jun-2007 06:24
Excellent shot,vote
Sheila30-Jun-2007 02:55
J. Scott Coile30-Jun-2007 02:14
I might have to go to sleep and dream about this now ;-)
mojoflowerchick30-Jun-2007 01:45
now those are some sexy shoes.. great shot...
Guest 29-Jun-2007 23:58
OMG What great legs and very raunchy shoes too !!
Gail Davison29-Jun-2007 22:17
those legs don't belong to the parrots. I've seen a whole new side to you. hahahah
Guest 29-Jun-2007 22:01
Jessica McCollum29-Jun-2007 20:32
Wow! Just had to come back and look again ;o)
Tracy Howell29-Jun-2007 20:15
Great pair of pins, but dont think you will be able to run from the lions in those heels..LOL.
Hans Novak29-Jun-2007 19:46
W O W ! TOP - LEGS ! Hans - Vienna
Will Denney29-Jun-2007 19:29
great legs!
Jessica McCollum29-Jun-2007 19:22
Oh my-what gorgeous legs you have!!! Can I have them?!?
Peter Stahl29-Jun-2007 19:09
Cool! GMV.
Lee Rudd29-Jun-2007 18:13
not sure those shinguards are legal!
Cindi Smith29-Jun-2007 18:12
Oh my! Where did you get those shoes and where is your whip??
Dana29-Jun-2007 17:29
Mercy, those are some wild shoes! And a great shot and legs to display them.
beverley harrison29-Jun-2007 17:28
OMG!! you have to enter this in the next comp!! lol!! fab shot cazi!!
Jola Dziubinska29-Jun-2007 17:23
And I can see you've made him speechless twice!!
zyziza29-Jun-2007 17:18
very nice!v
Deborah Lewis29-Jun-2007 17:11
Love this one - you can send me the shoes!
Guest 29-Jun-2007 17:10
Erm - Blimey! (Bruce using Helen's account)
Jola Dziubinska29-Jun-2007 16:49
You are a winner, Caz, you've made my husband speechless!!!
My vote yoo :)
Ann...29-Jun-2007 15:47
LOL at johnnyjag.Think I'll have to fight Faye for the shoes - Fantastic.
JW29-Jun-2007 15:33
Scott Browne29-Jun-2007 15:19
Johnny JAG29-Jun-2007 15:16
Oh bugger, I just spat coffee all over my screen. Great legs.
Ray :)29-Jun-2007 15:13
It's June 29th, and finally I feel the heat pouring off my face!
Dan Chusid29-Jun-2007 15:12
Nice shin protectors!
; )
Rose Atkinson29-Jun-2007 15:12
Oo...errr ! Fab legs Cazi !
Nicki Thurgar29-Jun-2007 15:03
:~O WOW!!!! What fabulous legs you've got!! Great shot Cazi!!:~D
Guest 29-Jun-2007 15:02
!!! Looks like the heat wave has finally reached north western Europe!
Tomasz Dziubinski - Photography29-Jun-2007 15:00
OMG! I am speechless, VOTE :)
Guest 29-Jun-2007 14:57
that's cool,beautiful legs.
Tomasz Dziubinski - Photography29-Jun-2007 14:55
OMG! I am speechless, VOTE :)
Bob B.29-Jun-2007 14:26
OH. My. Oh my. Ohhhh myyyy. v
Faye White29-Jun-2007 14:24
I want THOSE shoes! ;)
Guest 29-Jun-2007 14:23
Those shoes are AWESOME! (the legs are pretty nice as well) ~bryan
Monte Dodge29-Jun-2007 14:06
Jen Bixler29-Jun-2007 14:05
OMG! Nasty girl! Love it.
Guest 29-Jun-2007 13:59
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