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Carole Stevens | all galleries >> The beauty of insects (11 subgalleries)! >> Ladybirds 1 subgallery! > Seven spot ladybird - Coccinella 7-punctata mating
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Seven spot ladybird - Coccinella 7-punctata mating

There are ladybirds everywhere in my garden, found these 2 oblivious to me with a camera, she looks like she's nodded off!

Canon EOS 20D
1/200s f/5.0 at 100.0mm iso200 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
Ken Chambers ARPS20-Mar-2007 20:25
Bitter east wind; It's too cold for that sort of thing here today.
Jay Levin10-Mar-2007 19:20
I can't look!
Bob Moul10-Mar-2007 14:07
Sure sign of spring Carole. Every one is doing it! ;)
carol j. phipps10-Mar-2007 04:09
"He ain't heavy, he's . . ."
Johnny JAG09-Mar-2007 20:26
Ooh err missus.
edwina beaumont09-Mar-2007 20:19
Glad you're getting out in this lovely weather
Ric Yates09-Mar-2007 19:59
Great macro!
chrisse09-Mar-2007 19:38
Now I see why they're not flying...
Great catch Cazi !
chrisse ;o))
beverley harrison09-Mar-2007 19:34
its a bit early don't you think? lol!! or are they getting a jump start on spring?
Renee Lockett09-Mar-2007 17:55
GMV! Fantastic find and capture, Carole. :) Love your commentary, too. hehehee. :)
J. Scott Coile09-Mar-2007 16:07
I feel like makin'... :-)
Al Chesworth09-Mar-2007 14:49
Great shot, an absolute must for an explanation of the birds and bee's.
How it happens.
Rose Atkinson09-Mar-2007 14:06
Doesn't look too enthralled does she ? Nice catch !
Guest 09-Mar-2007 13:09
How nice! V
Guest 09-Mar-2007 11:35
well done, so lovely.
Guest 09-Mar-2007 11:24
LOL - my stars Cazi - let them have a moment! you have a voyeur streak in you - excellent capture!
Sheila09-Mar-2007 10:25
hehe she does ! Good shot, Carole!
Nicki Thurgar09-Mar-2007 09:34
LOL! Great capture Cazi, spring is definitely in the air today!
Susan Leigh09-Mar-2007 09:00
ooh..lucky lady bird hehe
nordic09-Mar-2007 08:41
he's doing his best.... ;-(
Victoria09-Mar-2007 08:24
Wow, this is amazing, i wish i can see this one again ...remind me this one i caught last summer, fantastic for share
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