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Carole Stevens | all galleries >> PBasing meet-ups >> Meet The Pbasers! > All of us!
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All of us!

Spent the day with Bev Lee and Margaret at Pensthorpe bird reserve, Im afraid I had no part in this pik apart it was my camera , Thanks to Lee for his long arms!
From the left Margaret, me, Lee and Bev!

other sizes: small medium large original auto
JW12-Dec-2006 07:41
That's superb! Greta pic of each of you.
Dan Chusid04-Sep-2006 16:30
Reshoot...Lee forgot to smile too.
: )
Jen Bixler28-Aug-2006 21:34
Good stuff!
beverley harrison26-Aug-2006 21:53
myyyy what long arms you have...all the more to photograph us with!!!
Lee Rudd26-Aug-2006 21:43
omg I have lonnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnng arms!
Al Chesworth26-Aug-2006 21:35
No good for a passport.
Ray :)26-Aug-2006 21:25
Nice to see you. To see you Nice.

(Poses with chin in silhouette....)
Faye White26-Aug-2006 21:20
very nice!!!
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