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Carol Keeler | profile | all galleries >> Galleries >> Gallery:Waterfowl tree view | thumbnails | slideshow


Gallery:Wood Ducks
:: Gallery:Wood Ducks ::
Gallery: Redheads
:: Gallery: Redheads ::
Gallery :Canvasbacks
:: Gallery :Canvasbacks ::
Gallery: Wigeon
:: Gallery: Wigeon ::
Gallery: Gadwall
:: Gallery: Gadwall ::
Gallery: Blue Wing and Green Wing
:: Gallery: Blue Wing and Green Wing ::
Gallery:Mergansers-Hooded and Common
:: Gallery:Mergansers-Hooded and Common ::
Gallery: Shovelers
:: Gallery: Shovelers ::
Gallery: Pied Billed Grebes
:: Gallery: Pied Billed Grebes ::
Gallery: Northern Pintails
:: Gallery: Northern Pintails ::
Gallery: Geese-Canada and Snow
:: Gallery: Geese-Canada and Snow ::
Gallery: Swans-Tundra, Trumpeter, and Mute
:: Gallery: Swans-Tundra, Trumpeter, and Mute ::
Mom Mallard and Brood
Mom Mallard and Brood
Double Crested Cormorant
Double Crested Cormorant
Sometimes You Just Have to Scratch
Sometimes You Just Have to Scratch
Gallery:Ring Neck Ducks
:: Gallery:Ring Neck Ducks ::
How Can He Swallow That?
How Can He Swallow That?
Horned Grebe with Food
Horned Grebe with Food
:: Gallery:Buffleheads ::
Gallery:Long Tail Ducks
:: Gallery:Long Tail Ducks ::
Gallery:Ruddy Ducks
:: Gallery:Ruddy Ducks ::
:: Gallery:Scaup ::
:: Gallery:Goldeneye ::