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Gallery: Birds That Wade

Can You See Me? Bittern
Can You See Me? Bittern
Great Blue Heron
Great Blue Heron
Great Blue Heron Portrait
Great Blue Heron Portrait
Coming in for a Landing
Coming in for a Landing
A Tasty Snack
A Tasty Snack
Evening Group
Evening Group
Little Green Heron Eating
Little Green Heron Eating
You Cant See Me Can You?
You Cant See Me Can You?
GBH in Breeding Plumage
GBH in Breeding Plumage
Peek-A-Boo Heron
Peek-A-Boo Heron
Great Blue Heron in Flight
Great Blue Heron in Flight
Can He Swallow It?
Can He Swallow It?
Spotted Sandpiper Strolling Along
Spotted Sandpiper Strolling Along
Coot Preening
Coot Preening
Mama Gallinule and her Curious Chick
Mama Gallinule and her Curious Chick
Yellowleg Ballet
Yellowleg Ballet
Short Billed Dowitcher
Short Billed Dowitcher
Darn Mud!( Least Sandpiper)
Darn Mud!( Least Sandpiper)
American Golden Plover
American Golden Plover
Yellowlegs' Squabble
Yellowlegs' Squabble
Least Sandpiper
Least Sandpiper
Semi-Palmated Plover
Semi-Palmated Plover
Eyes Right!
Eyes Right!
Greater Yellowlegs Flight
Greater Yellowlegs Flight
Greater Yellowlegs Portrait
Greater Yellowlegs Portrait
Black Crown Night Heron in Roost
Black Crown Night Heron in Roost
Black Crown Night Heron on the Hunt
Black Crown Night Heron on the Hunt
The Landing
The Landing
Solitary Sandpiper
Solitary Sandpiper
Solitary Sandpiper Preening
Solitary Sandpiper Preening
Lesser Yellowlegs with Tasty Treat
Lesser Yellowlegs with Tasty Treat
Virginia Rail
Virginia Rail
Virginia Rail and Chicks
Virginia Rail and Chicks
The Chase
The Chase
Pectoral Sandpiper
Pectoral Sandpiper
American Golden Plover in Winter Plumage.
American Golden Plover in Winter Plumage.
Black-bellied Plover  2
Black-bellied Plover 2
American Golden-plover 2
American Golden-plover 2
Buff-breasted Sandpiper
Buff-breasted Sandpiper
Wilson's Snipe
Wilson's Snipe
Sandhill Cranes
Sandhill Cranes
Jumping for Joy!
Jumping for Joy!
Sandhill Crane in Flight
Sandhill Crane in Flight
Crane Dance
Crane Dance
Sandhill Crane Show-Off
Sandhill Crane Show-Off
American Bittern
American Bittern
Yellowleg Dispute
Yellowleg Dispute
A Yellowlegs Encounter
A Yellowlegs Encounter
Great Egret Fly-By
Great Egret Fly-By
All Dressed up in Our Breeding Best
All Dressed up in Our Breeding Best
Great Blue Heron and Tasty Treat
Great Blue Heron and Tasty Treat
Common Gallinules
Common Gallinules
Tough to Swallow
Tough to Swallow
Common Gallinule Walking
Common Gallinule Walking
Green Heron in Flight
Green Heron in Flight
The Three Amigos ( Wilson's Snipe)
The Three Amigos ( Wilson's Snipe)
Cattle Egret Foraging
Cattle Egret Foraging
Fall Black-Bellied Plover
Fall Black-Bellied Plover
Plover Wing Stretch
Plover Wing Stretch
An Elegant Landing
An Elegant Landing
Egret Caught a Fish
Egret Caught a Fish
White-Faced Ibis Vocalizing
White-Faced Ibis Vocalizing
Glossy Ibis
Glossy Ibis
FOS Greater Yellowlegs
FOS Greater Yellowlegs
Virginia Rail
Virginia Rail
Juvenile Ruddy Turnstone Portrait
Juvenile Ruddy Turnstone Portrait
Moving Places
Moving Places
Ruddy Turnstone Finds Some Food
Ruddy Turnstone Finds Some Food
Yellowleg Conflict
Yellowleg Conflict
Yellowlegs Going at It
Yellowlegs Going at It