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Carol Keeler | profile | all galleries >> Galleries >> 2015_favorites tree view | thumbnails | slideshow
This gallery will be images shot and/or edited in 2015. The images may have have been taken in 2014.
The Correct Orientation
The Correct Orientation
Did Scratching Mess Up My Hair?
Did Scratching Mess Up My Hair?
Song Sparrow and Baby
Song Sparrow and Baby
Feeding Baby
Feeding Baby
Standing on Tiptoes
Standing on Tiptoes
Spotted Sandpiper Foraging
Spotted Sandpiper Foraging
Just Hanging Around
Just Hanging Around
Seneca Meadows Flowers
Seneca Meadows Flowers
White Crab Spider
White Crab Spider
Watchful Immature Bald Eagle
Watchful Immature Bald Eagle
Young Hummingbird Eating
Young Hummingbird Eating
Great Egret in Flight
Great Egret in Flight
Giant Swallowtail
Giant Swallowtail
Rolling Clouds
Rolling Clouds
Wilsons Snipe
Wilsons Snipe
Walking on Water
Walking on Water
Below New Hope Mills
Below New Hope Mills
A Hole in the Ice
A Hole in the Ice
Leaf Trapped in the Ice
Leaf Trapped in the Ice
Fall Color Just Starting
Fall Color Just Starting
Moose River in Old Forge
Moose River in Old Forge
Quiet Water
Quiet Water
Rolling Clouds
Rolling Clouds
Frosty Morn
Frosty Morn
Wet Sharpshin Hawk
Wet Sharpshin Hawk
Watchful Sharpshin Hawk
Watchful Sharpshin Hawk
Spring's Beauty
Spring's Beauty
Canvasback Flyby
Canvasback Flyby
Landing-Feet First
Landing-Feet First
Red Thoated Loon
Red Thoated Loon
Spring Azure Butterfly
Spring Azure Butterfly