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Carol 202 | profile | all galleries >> Travel in the USA >> Idaho >> North Boise River and Trinity Lakes tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

North Boise River and Trinity Lakes

We camped at Baumgartner Campground on the north fork of the Boise River. Our camper was right by the river and we almost had the place to ourselves--there was one other camper down the road. Bob was able to catch trout right in front of our site. The campground had a small pool that was filled with hot spring water. We also found a private hot spring we could hike to and have all to ourselves. :-) We spent some time in the Sawtooth Mountains exploring the Trinity Lakes.
Sawtooth Mountains
Sawtooth Mountains
IMG_0002a Kokanee spawning in the river
IMG_0002a Kokanee spawning in the river
IMG_0026 N Boise River
IMG_0026 N Boise River
IMG_0031 Grave site
IMG_0031 Grave site
IMG_0032 BJNichols
IMG_0032 BJNichols
IMG_0033 SNNichols
IMG_0033 SNNichols
IMG_0036 My first kokanee
IMG_0036 My first kokanee
IMG_0039 Mining Camp
IMG_0039 Mining Camp
IMG_0045 Mountain lake
IMG_0045 Mountain lake
IMG_0063 Trinity lake
IMG_0063 Trinity lake
IMG_0065 Trinity Lakes
IMG_0065 Trinity Lakes
IMG_0076 Mountain flowers
IMG_0076 Mountain flowers
IMG_0079 Fall grasses
IMG_0079 Fall grasses
IMG_0082 Golden Eagle
IMG_0082 Golden Eagle
IMG_0095 Mule Deer
IMG_0095 Mule Deer
IMG_0112 Bob at Baumgartner Campground
IMG_0112 Bob at Baumgartner Campground
Bob with a trout
Bob with a trout
IMG_0118 Baumgartner Campground
IMG_0118 Baumgartner Campground
IMG_0124 Baumgartner Campground.
IMG_0124 Baumgartner Campground.
IMG_0163 Dragonfly
IMG_0163 Dragonfly