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Carol 202 | profile | all galleries >> Travel in the USA >> South Carolina >> Family Christmas at Ocean Lakes, Dec 2009 tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Family Christmas at Ocean Lakes, Dec 2009

Is there a tree under those presents?
Is there a tree under those presents?
Rhonda gives everyone her Christmas goodies
Rhonda gives everyone her Christmas goodies
Today we mourn for Jimmy.  Condolences on your 50th bro!
Today we mourn for Jimmy. Condolences on your 50th bro!
Jane Marie and Mary Helen showing off their parrothead attire at Margaritaville
Jane Marie and Mary Helen showing off their parrothead attire at Margaritaville
Jimmy:  I hope there is a gun in the bag so I can shoot myself
Jimmy: "I hope there is a gun in the bag so I can shoot myself"
Paul is soooo photogenic
Paul is soooo photogenic
Hildegard, you are so beautiful
Hildegard, you are so beautiful
Pirates try to steal the birthday bootie, but Hildegard fends them off.
Pirates try to steal the birthday bootie, but Hildegard fends them off.