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Carinoza | all galleries >> PHOTO JOURNALISM >> 10th Grand Marian Exhibit 2008 > Local: Nuestra Señora dela Barangay
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04-MAY-2008 Carinoza

Local: Nuestra Señora dela Barangay


Our Lady of the Barrio/Barangay.

She is wearing the National Dress/Costume for women: the 'terno'. It literally means "to match", and is a long dress
characterized by broad “butterfly” sleeves that rise slightly at the shoulders and extend about to the elbow.

Former First Lady Mrs. Imelda Marcos introduced and popularized the terno to the rest of the world as
she never failed to dress in one - and carry it well, at that! - during formal functions held abroad.

Sony DSC-R1
1/50s f/4.5 at 49.8mm iso160 full exif

other sizes: small medium large auto
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