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Gary N. | profile | all galleries >> The world of the small. >> Butterflies >> Nymphalidae. tree view | thumbnails | slideshow


Brush-footed Butterflies. (Snouts, Heliconians, Fritillaries, True Brush-foots, Admirals, Leafwings, Emperors, Satyrs, Monarchs.)
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Variegated fritillary.
Variegated fritillary.
Variegated fritillary.
Variegated fritillary.
Variegated fritillary.
Variegated fritillary.
Variegaed fritillary
Variegaed fritillary
Variegated fritillary.
Variegated fritillary.
Elada checkerspot,
Elada checkerspot,
Elada checkerspot,
Elada checkerspot,
Elada checkerspot,
Elada checkerspot,
Bordered patch.
Bordered patch.
Bordered patch.
Bordered patch.
Bordered patch.
Bordered patch.
Bordered patch.
Bordered patch.
Arizona sister.
Arizona sister.
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