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Carl Carlsen | profile | all galleries >> Galleries >> GEARS at Portland, Oregon, Sept. 2009 tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

GEARS at Portland, Oregon, Sept. 2009

Here we go again! Gears 2009 was a great show. Hopefully I have the captions correct. If you detect any mistakes, be sure to let me know. If you have engines in the photos and would like me to say something different or additional about them, also let me know. It isn't all that difficult to make changes in the photo narrative. Enjoy!
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01  BEST of SHOW!    Congratulations to Wayne Austin
01 BEST of SHOW! Congratulations to Wayne Austin
02 Wayne Austin and his Fairbanks tractor
02 Wayne Austin and his Fairbanks tractor
03 Fairbanks Morse tractor
03 Fairbanks Morse tractor
04 Last year's Best of Show by Jim Moyer
04 Last year's "Best of Show" by Jim Moyer
05 Bob Kipp's stable
05 Bob Kipp's "stable"
06  More of Bob Kipp's engines
06 More of Bob Kipp's engines
07  Don Comstock's table
07 Don Comstock's table
08 Another view of Don Comstock's engines
08 Another view of Don Comstock's engines
09  Earl Wilms, a few models of mine and Ken Beslin's boats
09 Earl Wilms, a few models of mine and Ken Beslin's boats
09a  Rick Hobert's Steam engines
09a Rick Hobert's Steam engines
10  Bunch of engines from up around Seattle area
10 Bunch of engines from up around Seattle area
11 Vendors
11 Vendors
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