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Kevin D Warren | all galleries >> Galleries >> Franconia Ridge > Framing the Shot
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Framing the Shot

Ian frames a shot as Mt Lincoln awaits in the background.

Olympus E-3
1/2000s f/6.3 at 12.0mm iso160 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
katjas21-Aug-2012 16:09
really great! V
XiaoBernard9921-Aug-2012 14:40
Perfect compo
Toney Smith18-Aug-2012 12:14
Nice capture, I like it.
Anitta18-Aug-2012 09:16
Well done, Kevin! The colors are great, his trousers are fitting so well in the nature :-). Same color family! Nice composition also. V
Guest 17-Aug-2012 13:22
This is so very nice. You capture well the sense of being in the clouds on top of the world with an amazing view. All around great picture with your son.
Helen Betts16-Aug-2012 20:29
What a very striking capture! Super work, Kevin. V.
janescottcumming16-Aug-2012 18:06
On top of the world. Such a nice portrait of your son! V
Nestor Derkach16-Aug-2012 15:51
A great shot Kevin, his black shirt against the puffy clouds for nice contrast.
Composition flattering ,light was in your favor and the resolution allows the viewer to enjoy the mountain scene in the background.
Looks great in the frame.
Tom LeRoy16-Aug-2012 07:51
A splendid shot, fine framing and great colors. V
Jim Coffman16-Aug-2012 02:52
Very fine capture,Kevin..
Neil Marcus16-Aug-2012 02:44
An excellent example of an environmental portrait. I'm sure Ian enjoys hi portrait doing what he likes to do