My thanks to the editors of the following journals and anthologies in which these poems are published: Allegro; Amethyst Review; Appalachia; Assisi; The Awakenings Review; Blue Heron Review; Blueline Magazine; Border Crossing; Chrysanthemum; Clementine; The Courtship of Winds; DailyHaiga; Dappled Things; EarthSpeak Magazine; FUNGI Magazine; Garfield Lake Review; Ginosko; The Golden Lantern; Haiku 2014 (Modern Haiku Press, 2014); Homestead Review; A Hundred Gourds; The Inflectionist Review; Kaleidoscope – Disability and Fine Arts Magazine; Modern Haiga 2009 (Modern English Tanka Press, 2009); Numinous Magazine; Pilgrimage Magazine; Poetry of the Wildflowers Anthology (Tiny Seed Press, 2023); A Prairie Journal; Presence: An International Journal of Spiritual Direction; River Poets Journal; Rockvale Review; Seven CirclePress; Soundings Review; Stone Voices; Still Point Arts Quarterly; Third Wednesday; Time Of Singing; Tiny Seed Literary Journal; Tipton Poetry Journal; Untitled Country Review; The Voices Project; Weber – The Contemporary West; The Whirlwind Review; Wildness; Wild Plum Haiku Journal; Windhover; The Write Place at the Write Time; Written River Journal of Eco-Poetics; Young Ravens Literary Review. Also thanks to Multnomah Arts Center in Portland, OR, and City of Edmonds Arts Commission in Edmonds, WA for supporting public exhibits of poetry.