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campy | profile | all galleries >> At (or Near) Home 2005 (Six Galleries) >> Turkey Vultures tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Turkey Vultures

The tall Arizona cypress trees on our property have become the roosting trees for a colony of turkey vultures (Cathartes aura).
We now seem to have about 40 of these birds and last year the number was about 25.
The first four pictures are probably the best and I have included 19 additional ones as a stock file.
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Late Afternoon
Late Afternoon
Vultures 2
Vultures 2
Morning Wing-Stretch
Morning Wing-Stretch
Vultures 4
Vultures 4
On Prime Leg
On Prime Leg
Vultures 6
Vultures 6
Vultures 7
Vultures 7
Vultures 8
Vultures 8
Vultures 9
Vultures 9
Vultures 10
Vultures 10
Vultures 11
Vultures 11
Vultures 12
Vultures 12
Vultures 13
Vultures 13
Vultures 14
Vultures 14
Vultures 15
Vultures 15
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