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campy | profile | all galleries >> At (or Near) Home 2005 (Six Galleries) >> Fireworks at Bishop, California, 4 July 2005 tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Fireworks at Bishop, California, 4 July 2005

These started at around 9:15 pm at the Bishop Airport and lasted about a half hour. It was put on by the Bishop Volunteer Fire Department.
Tom and Lynda were along and we brought folding chairs to put in front of the car and watch the show. I mounted the camera on a monopod.
The biggest reason for missed shots was shutter lag. Editing using Graphic Converter on the G4 iMac required very little cropping most of the time. 21 images.
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4 July 2005 #05
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4 July 2005 #06
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4 July 2005 #08
4 July 2005 #08
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4 July 2005 #12
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