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All Cameras >> Zenit >> Zenit 11

Zenit 11 SLR Film Camera Sample Photos

Film Size: 135 Picture Size: 24x36mm
Marketed: 1981 to 1990
Lens Mount: M42
Random Zenit 11 Samples from 26 available Photos more
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g5/96/403896/3/119106035.u1lp8IaB.jpg g5/96/403896/3/46120446.4Hhbp9LN.jpg g9/96/403896/3/63073505.s5SYEYDV.jpg v3/96/403896/3/44655587.EnjoingSummer.jpg
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lisaduga02-May-2014 09:20

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Aivis Ilsters04-Oct-2004 08:23
Well, Zenit 11 is good camera. It is fully manual and mechanical camera, but it has a built in light meter. If you look at those pictures which were taken in temperature minus 40, i can say that my trust would be more to Zenit than electronic cameras, whose batteries might die under such conditions.

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