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All Cameras >> Tokina >> Tokina 28-80mm f/2.8 AT-X AF Pro

Tokina 28-80mm f/2.8 AT-X AF Pro Lens Sample Photos

Also known as Tokina AT-X 280 AF Pro
Random Tokina 28-80mm f/2.8 AT-X AF Pro Samples from 238 available Photos more
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Guest 26-Apr-2006 01:23
Sharp, built like a tank, accurate, wide, PERFECT. Love it.
Lou Giroud01-Feb-2006 22:49
This is the best lens that Tokina ever made in this range and apperture.
It's basicaly an Angenieux lens. Tokina bought Angénieux lens patents and continues to produce this hughe lens that performs like a dream on Nikon Digitals.

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