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All Cameras >> Tamron >> Tamron SP AF 70-200mm F/2.8 Di LD (IF) Macro

Tamron SP AF 70-200mm F/2.8 Di LD (IF) Macro Lens Sample Photos

Marketed: 07-May-2007
Random Tamron SP AF 70-200mm F/2.8 Di LD (IF) Macro Samples from 1011 available Photos more
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Guest 24-Apr-2009 17:48
very sharp for a zoom at all focal lengths, it you called it a canon or nikon, people would rave about how it rivals primes it's that sharp. wonderful smooth focus ring and zoom, great build quality. Highly underrated
Kei12-Oct-2008 07:06
Agreed I picked up this lens roughly 1 week ago after reading loads of info on it and I can't put into words how pleased I am with the image quality. I was originally going to get the Sigma 70-200 (version 1 not 2) but after hearing the image quality on this lens is significantly better I decided to investigate. After reading a good number of reviews (with tech data) and hearing various opinions/review on it I took the plunge even though it's more expensive than the Sigma at this time.

The resolution is simply superb, it's actually very close to the Nikon 70-200 AF-S which is really really saying something. On the Canon mounts it's shown to match or beat the 70-200 L lens which is also a huge feat, as far as the other competitors it's not even a fair contest the lens is so good.

I do wish it had a focus limiter switch though like angrycorgi mentioned as the focus speed would been significantly quicker using it. As it stands the focus speed is still very good at all ranges so it's not a big deal for me.

Buy it, if you're looking for image quality then this is an extreme deal of the century kind of lens. It gives up some focus speed and has no IS/VR but it's no big deal as the image quality more than makes up for it. Build quality is excellent as well.

OH! I nearly forgot to mention that is has some of (if not THE) best damping on the rings I've ever used. The Zoom ring is beautifully done and the Focus ring.....oh man the Focus ring! So precise and smooth you could cry, perfect.
Guest 08-May-2008 21:52
This is a fantastic lens. It matches the sharpness/resolution of the EF 70-200/2.8L IS. My only gripe is the AF does not have a focus limit switch to keep it from hunting in the macro range.

Check comparison samples (100%) from a 5D of both at:

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