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All Cameras >> Sony >> Sony SLT-A58

Sony SLT-A58 SLR Digital Camera Sample Photos

Marketed: 25-Feb-2013
Lens Mount: Fixed
Lens: 18-55mm f/3.5-5.6
Megapixels: 20.4
Random Sony SLT-A58 Samples from 1948 available Photos more
g9/82/603182/3/159155522.FlAVEreW.jpg g9/82/603182/3/163407527.EIPacFgm.jpg g9/39/643939/3/161448786.SUiabPJe.jpg g9/82/603182/3/163407334.c3uMa1Qw.jpg
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Hernan E. Enriquez01-Sep-2015 01:08
It is not a fixed mount, I is a DSLR!

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