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All Cameras >> Sigma >> Sigma APO 150-500mm F5-6.3 DG OS HSM

Sigma APO 150-500mm F5-6.3 DG OS HSM Lens Sample Photos

Marketed: 31-Jan-2008
Random Sigma APO 150-500mm F5-6.3 DG OS HSM Samples from 3562 available Photos more
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Graham Tomlin27-Oct-2010 08:17
I have had this lens for almost a week and I must say that I'm well pleased with it, it's very sharp and produces superb images, I was reluctant to get this lens as I was trying to remain loyal to canon but got fed up waiting for a replacement for the 100-400 L IS. All iin all I can recommend this lens whole heartedly and the price is very good too, I paid £749. Here are some early samples


Matylda Lempel-Chareza Photography22-May-2010 21:03
Guest 09-Aug-2009 21:29
Bought the lens a few days ago and am very happy with the performance considering its price. Here are some sample shots.
Guest 22-Nov-2008 15:01
Great Lens
Nick Powell31-Aug-2008 21:07
I've had this lens for a few weeks and overall I'm very happy with it. I've posted some sample shots in the following gallery
Gul Chotrani28-Aug-2008 12:22
A very good lens - not spectacular in optical quality terms... but gives you that reach in open country for wildlife etc.
Guest 24-Aug-2008 05:01
I will not say it is a sharp lens but my copy seems to work alright. There is some noticeable noise when OS is engaged. The images at 500mm is softer but still acceptable.
D. Welch12-Jul-2008 22:42
Try the 120-400 So much better . But I also must fairly admit maybe I had a bad copy some of you have snapped some pretty good shots. Now that said try the 120-400 So Much better Faster, sharper, no OS jump and seems alot lighter (only weight a few ounces less but much better balanced (in my opinion) I own the 18-200 Best lens I own but this is becoming a close second
D. Welch29-May-2008 23:22
I just bougth this and although it is huge I am not happy with 400-500 nor is the 150-200 anything to write home about I have posted smaples and I am trying to decide between this and a 70-200f4 is with 1.4 and 2.0 converters Please leave comments to help me decide Thanks
Barry S Moore02-Feb-2008 22:07
Early days, but OS in this range would be a brilliant piece of technology. Please post some samples if you are lucky to get have got this lens.

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