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Sigma 20mm f/1.8 EX ASP DG RF Lens Sample Photos

Lens: 20mm f/1.8
Random Sigma 20mm f/1.8 EX ASP DG RF Samples from 1007 available Photos more
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Ben D. Mor10-Oct-2008 16:50
For Canon, you cannot find a faster wideangle lens under 24mm. On the 5D, it focuses surprisingly well in low light, making this an excellent lens for darkly lit city scenes or for inside non-flash work. See my gallery here:
Mike Liquorish Captured Frame01-Feb-2008 11:07
This is Sigmas hidden secret,it is big and bulky well built, and is very sharp, wonderful colours, good auto focus,good low light and graet indoors. I use it on a full frame Canon 5D and it has given me some stunning results, I own several Canon L lenses and this is on a par with them, for the price this would have to be one of the best value prime lenes on the market currently definately worthwhile testing if you are looking for a high quality prime. Only downside is that at 82mm filters can be expensive but you would be saving quite a few dollars etc against purchasing equivilent Canon or Nikon - highly recommended

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