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All Cameras >> Sigma >> Sigma 120-300mm f/2.8 EX DG IF HSM APO

Sigma 120-300mm f/2.8 EX DG IF HSM APO Lens Sample Photos

Marketed: 01-Dec-2002
Lens: 120-300mm f/2.8
Random Sigma 120-300mm f/2.8 EX DG IF HSM APO Samples from 2845 available Photos more
g6/63/43363/3/72106187.RVp5hRHU.jpg g6/63/43363/3/72106185.tof64Lhm.jpg g6/63/43363/3/68760550.JGp6EMh5.jpg g6/63/43363/3/72891009.T061Ip0U.jpg
g1/58/287858/3/112846952.6VQDqviS.jpg g6/63/43363/3/68944606.xpDNrOEc.jpg u48/moonlite/medium/40113378.IMG00406bird3.jpg u32/nikond70/medium/31638094.Airraidbomb.jpg
g6/63/43363/3/72890984.DBD766kp.jpg g1/97/645097/3/128048977.RlOnaKnv.jpg v3/02/405002/3/47688512.D2X_4557g750.jpg g10/64/268464/3/166146182.bc0Wa1CC.jpg

Guest 01-Oct-2009 20:17
I had one of these lenses several years ago, then moved to a Canon 300/f2.8 and a Canon 400/f2.8. Those are great lenses, but the 120-300 is certainly no slouch. I picked up another copy of this lens recently and it's is a great zoom range for sports. It complements my 400/f2.8 nicely for sports such as soccer and football. It's a great value if you don't have the budget for L glass.
schorert06-Jan-2009 13:27
Nothing is a better indication of what this lens can do than those hockey pics! Hockey rinks are typically VERY dim, with low quality lights with a very low frequency. The fact that mr pierce can get ANYTHING useful at iso3200 is a testament to his ability and this versatile lens.
let's face it, you can get sharp photos at f/5.6, ISO200 with ANY cheap 70-300mm zoom in broad daylight.
Guest 04-Jul-2008 16:43
Great Hockey Shots...To those complaining about Hockey photos...Buck Up and Get your own lense..Take your own shots of whatever and post...Hockey guy pays to keep his photos on pbase just like you...quit crying..
Guest 18-Mar-2008 19:45
objetivo genial por su luminosidad, versatilidad y precio.
con el duplicador 1,4x la calidad de las imagenes es sencillamente brutal.
la unica pega, es que es mas lento que los motores SWM de nikon, y en segun que deportes.....
para aves y fauna desde hide, muy recomendable!!
Guest 03-Feb-2008 09:43
I believe the photos appear in random, and are automatically picked up by PBASE server via data entered by a subscriber on his photos (e.g. lens and camera used). It so happened that there are a few subscribers who actually use the Sigma 120-300mm f/2.8. Maybe it's about time people buy the lens and start posting their photos accordingly.
Guest 22-Oct-2007 18:29
you guys are all knuckleheads.. The hockey pics are a fabulous indicator of the versatility of this lens. If you don't like them, don't look. In the meantime, fabulouspics Kerry.
Guest 02-May-2007 14:20
sommeone of the administrator delete those hockey pics pls !
foto61.net09-Mar-2007 09:38
:-( I find a milliom hockey pics. and they are all really crap :-(

if anyone has pics made with the sigma 120/300 without any additional equipment (converters, filters, etc.) please let me know. I'd like to see how it performs on full 300mms..

many thanks

Guest 02-Mar-2007 18:34
I posted a message in the guest book of the owner who linked about a million ice hockey shots, suggesting that he/she could remove the lens info (and simply make a mention of the used lens in comments!!) so that it would allow us to browse lens samples without having 90% hockey shots per page ...

Unfortunately, the message got deleted by the said owner of those photos :(
Guest 16-Feb-2007 15:51
i second the notion on the ice-hockey.
Guest 07-Apr-2006 21:21
I hoped to see some samples here. But all I find is thousand pics of kids at icehockey :-/
Guest 21-Oct-2005 18:18
I use this camera for sports and I find it fast and very versitile. I chose it over the 300 f/2.8 since it is 2.8 all the way through. To have 120-300 range in 1 lens is great for sports! Also for $2000 I highly recommend it.
Guest 07-Mar-2005 11:45
Very versatile

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