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All Cameras >> Sigma >> Sigma 100-300mm f/4 APO EX DG HSM

Sigma 100-300mm f/4 APO EX DG HSM Lens Sample Photos

Lens: 100-300mm f/4
Random Sigma 100-300mm f/4 APO EX DG HSM Samples from 4447 available Photos more
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Guest 23-Nov-2008 11:07
Great Lens
Andrew Holman09-Nov-2008 23:01
This is a superb lens for the money. Resolution up to 250mm is very good on a 12mp dx sensor. Focusing is fast and smooth. The lens is very well built with an excellent tripod mount. It is sharpest at F8 but so is the Nikon 70-200mm VR, which it can almost match up to 250mm, though the Bokeh is not quite as good. This HDR image shows how good it is.
I'm sure you won't regret buying this lens. It even works well with the Sigma 1.4x converter which gives you 630mm on DX!
Guest 01-Jun-2008 16:25
very sharp at 200mm, equal or better than Canon 70-200, a little softer at 300 but very good.
better at 5.6.
some AF issues on my 20D (HSM fast, but front-focuses) but well corrected by Sigma.
some samples tests here, original shot, no post processing
Alessandro Sotgiu22-Jun-2007 12:12
I'm a very happy owner of this lens.
Guest 14-Nov-2006 06:04
Excellent lens! I purchased it used and the quality is awesome. The focusing is very fast and quiet because of Sigma's HSM. The lens is sharp all throughout the zoom range and wide open at f4.0. I'm very happy and satisfied with this lens and the $$ I paid for it.
Guest 14-Nov-2006 06:03
Excellent lens! I purchased it used and the quality is awesome. The focusing is very fast and quiet because of Sigma's HSM. The lens is sharp all throughout the zoom range and wide open at f4.0. I'm very happy and satisfied with this lens and the $$ I paid for it.
Guest 03-Mar-2006 11:31
Best lens I have ever had - and backed up by test at
Graham Tomlin19-Jul-2005 10:41
absolutely first class lens, very sharp and a good price

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