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Pentax K100D SLR Digital Camera Sample Photos

g4/87/331787/3/60728015.1003_4.jpgg4/87/331787/3/60729299.1003_4hood.jpgg4/87/331787/3/60729300.10006_back.jpgg4/87/331787/3/60729302.100053_4down.jpgmore photos
Marketed: 22-May-2006
Lens Mount: K
Megapixels: 6.1
Random Pentax K100D Samples from 27693 available Photos more
g4/39/782539/3/91002851.PAOzGLY5.jpg g3/42/842842/3/95688403.gH72sIVC.jpg g5/88/838688/3/101417445.WbzLFu3l.jpg g1/31/698631/3/112451487.Gi0mm7mh.jpg
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Guest 15-Jan-2008 14:07
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Guest 12-Jun-2007 11:28
A very capable little entry-level DSLR whose catch-phrase should be "bang for the buck". Great value for money, with in-body IS, spot metering, and a wealth of functions that usually will not be found in entry-level DSLRs. Image quality is superb for its pixel class of 6+ MGP, light and durable, well-built as well.

A few gripes would be that there is no ISO 100, and that metering tends to underexpose, and of course the LCD is too bright at default setting (which in turn leads to underexposure as well). Of course learning to compensate for the flaws goes a huge way, and it's not hard as well!
Eldar Kadymov07-May-2007 16:12
Since marketing divisions of “big guys” forced all keen amateurs to jump in to DSLR bandwagon, we all started looking in to “lesser evil” and the most user friendly piece of equipment. The very concept of looking in to viewfinder in digital era is plain wrong and stupid as hell, therefore some brands like Sony, Panasonic and Olympus have already digital previews but, unfortunately at expense of many another important features. I have to admit that this thing is as close as you can get to perfect budget DSLR ( save for life preview ) and an ultimate answer to $1M question on “which DSLR should I buy”. If you don’t have tons of branded lenses, look no further, you won’t find anything else on the market which beats K100D in image quality department, even 8-10 Mp DSLRs cannot match this Pentax. While being equipped with wide array of unique and advanced features such as digital/optical preview, intelligent ISO, in-camera digital filters, image stabilizer etc. this camera makes perfect travel or/and for “all occasions” companion.
For those who are in to sports or fast actions stuff, steer away from K100D because of its weak buffering ability, and better look in to getting Nikon D70s, you still can buy them. In my personal opinion, you have a choice of another formidable contenders such as similarly priced Nikon D50 & D70s or more expensive Sigma SD14 or Fuji S5 whereas you will also get great equipment, yet where budget is important factor you won’t find anything better than K100D.
I can go on and on about image quality & superb AF of this Pentax, but let’s save time by simply saying that K100D is an absolute champion in this respect, delivering razor sharp, very naturally looking, yet richly saturated images and with very little effort. JPEGs coming straight out of the camera without any post-processing have that “wow” and ass-kicking effect which no other DSLR can offer.
I would recommend to buy a body ( kit lens is still very decent, but not top-notch ), then put on it “walk-around” Sigma 17-70 DC Macro, then get fish-eye Pentax 10-17/3.5-4.5 smc ED and any decent 70-300 long zoom , and you’re set for any venture at the fraction of the costs of what you would pay for the similar “outfit” from, say, Canon. Don’t forget, you will also get better quality image after all. You might check reviews by all major professional photographic sites to get the same warm and fuzzy feeling.
Here are my personal observation about those things which could be improved in future, yet they won’t affect very rewarding and enjoyable experience which you’re going to have while using this camera;

1. I hate rechargeable NiMHs, hate them, period. If Olympus can make their proprietary batteries to last forever so should Pentax and there should not be excuses at this point. Battery door is flimsy and poorly positioned.
2. Mirror clap & shake are far more pronounced than , say, by Canon 350D ( Cannon 30D is just as bad ). Yes , your shake reduction is compensating for this annoyance , but eventually it needs to be addressed.
3. Quality control at their assembly facility in Philippines simply sucks, it would be much better if assembly happened in Japan. Be careful while checking camera in very first 2 days as you will likely find dead pixels or dirty spots on the sensors, misalignment of CCD etc. Make few shots against clear skies and then dark and even background to see if you have aforementioned problems.
4. To change parameters you will need to navigate in to menu, as K10D has dedicated buttons for quick change. Menu is simple, but not intuitive.
5. No customer pre-set memories.
6. No RAW & JPEG option.
7. Camera seems to be set to deal with highlight details and therefore your images taken in high contrast conditions will have dark shadow details. It’s not too bad thing, though, as you can always lighten up things in either through in-camera filters of post-processing software.
8. Flash does not have a slow synchronization, shame on Pentax.
9. ISO 1600 and beyond is not really useful, unless you want to print 6x4 post-cards out of it.
10. White balance ( including manual setting ) in low natural and artificial light is complete disaster, simply just as bad as by Canon 350D. Everything has this crappy urine cast which is very difficult to get rid of.
Guest 03-May-2007 23:34
While it is a very capable camera, it has it's limitations. It's an excellent street shooter due to it's size. But when I need to do a more serious shoot, I have to pick up my Canon gear.
Guest 24-Oct-2006 00:40
Great little camera. Fantastic image quality. Very happy with it after owning no less than 10 Nikon and Canon DSLRs. See my gallery at:

1. Size/Weight and Cost
2. Two great kit lenses for the money. Best out there. Better than similar priced Nikon and Canon ones by a long shot in both optical and build qualities.
3. Great limited edition pancake lenses. Pentax has them in "reasonable" price.
4. Shake Reduction(SR) really works. Equal or better than Canon IS and Nikon VR. Way better than Minolta's AS(I had Minolta 7D as well).

Not so good:
1. In-Body focusing motor is noiser than Nikon's and Minolta's
2. The color and brightness of LCD screen could be more accurate.

My K100D's viewfinder and sensor are mis-aligned. The image captured by the sensor would appear tilted by 1 degree to the right when it appears horizental in the viewfinder. This has been reported by several people on's forum. I am compensating when taking architecture or landscape pictures. It is a pain that I have to deal with it.

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